Thursday 12 March 2009


well, such are the joys of management!! Tomorrow i get to dress up like an idiot for comic relief and show prospctive parents around school, whilst wearing pink monkey pyjamas and a red nose! I am sure they will be impressed! Especially as i will be class teacher for one of the children :0

hey ho, it is all for charidee as they say ;p

I am also managing to avoid marking and planning - erp, whilst writing this blog, playing kong and chatting on msn. I really should get more motivation :(

Lately i have mostly been eating chocolate and smoking fags - all of which must stop, as i am getting mahoosive, rendering me unable to chase the kidlets due to weight and bad lungs. Mr H has thrown down the gauntlet and if i do not stop smiking by next friday i will lose my new car - he paid for it- and have to increase my contribution to the household runnning costs. All of which are valid points as i pay for nothing. i just hope the threat of a 25mi9le walk to work is enough to get me off my increasingly fat arse - eeek watch this space!

Saturday 14 February 2009

Don't drink champagne on an empty stomach!!

So a lovely eveing planned with Sandie, one of my dearest friends. A good gossip over a good meal and an even better bottle of wine.

Hitch number one - no food since lunchtime.
Hitch number two - no seats available in the restaurant till 9.30pm.
Hitch number three - I drank too much champagne too quickly on a far too empty stomach!

Arrived at the restaurant only to realise I felt a litttle tipsy - well shit faced actually but tipsy sounds better. After ordering a diet coke ( the shame!) I located the ladies room just in time to lose the champagne orally into the afore mentioned toilet bowl - bugger.

On the plus side, after a couple more visits to the ladies room I felt much better and enjoyed a fantastic steak. If you get the chance to go to Becketts Bistro in Southsea I thoroughly reccomend it! Sandie and I managed to talk about crap all night and had a really lovely evening - in the end. A reminder of the incident however is a bruise on my nose :( I think I slipped and nose butted the toilet - ouchie. One day I will learn, but until then I will just have to laugh instead!

Be warned kids - it might be funny but it sure aint clever! x x

Monday 2 February 2009

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!

Huzzah for the white stuff. 2 whole inches and the world goes mad. After managing 25 miles to work - and Jane if you are reading this mwahahaha!- i managed the journey in only 40 minutes ready to face the kidlets. In the carpark the snow was crisp and untouched. for atlest 2 seconds. Bags dumped in reception i headed out to make a fab pair of snow angels.

following a brief organisation of planning and the neccesary stuff i commandeered breakfast club to build a snow man with me. The consensus was it is much easier in animal crossing than in real life ;p

How many lessons could i blag outside - many and the kids did me proud with some of their poems. Following more snowball fights, snow angel shennanigans and general tomfoolery i was sent home early - YAY the benefit of living outside catchment.

Currently am cavorting around the garden doing a bizzare snow dance so i get tomorrow off too!!!!
Although don't fear, i am a dedicated individual and have bought work home. (At least 1/2 and hours worth XD)

Two inches of snow - who'd of thought such chaos would ensue!!!!!

Tuesday 27 January 2009


aaaah today I am full of the joys of spring.
good mood - check
positive outlook - check
fab day with the kids at school - check.

Don't you just love it when a plan comes together! The biggest hit by far today was my roleplay corner. We now have our very own post office with stamps, postcards, tv licences (yes really) and post that travels in an interesting manner to arrive at its destination. The most hysterical thing though is hearing the kids on the telephone. I am sure it would get many parents blushing if they could hear their kids!!

Also managed to leave work early AND bring nowt home - the time management is really working. Am very proud that i am still sticking to the diet - no choc :( and coping admirably well. I'll be getting fit next !?!?!?!?

Ha annie is back and taking control - WATCH OUT WORLD!

So today we have a happy annie. x x

Thursday 22 January 2009


Why oh why oh why do the opportunities seem to miss the people who quietly get on with their job and instead get offered to those that don't?
I do a good job at work, and manage to keep my head above water, I don't expect a red carpet or fireworks every time I walk in the door. I don't even mind making the tea! but it pisses me off something rotten when people who barely do their job, but what little they do is done loudly, get all sorts of opportunties that quite frankly they don't deserve. Am I bitter - very ;p, would I want to do the job - no, do I know people far better qualified - YES.

Oh well, rant over!

Monday 19 January 2009

Organised Annie

FINALLY I have done battle with my desk at work and it is actually made of wood! It has been so long since i saw it i had forgotten. Am now looking forward to going in and admiring my desk tomorrow. hmmm dunno about the teaching though!! :P

Sunday 18 January 2009

So here it is my very first blog! Isn't it amazing what you can do when you have a ton of marking, planning and prep to do!!
Well it is a sunny sunday here in the south of England and i am working hard to sort my life out - New Years Resolution!!!!!
For the first time in my life I have managed not to waste money, and one week from payday I am still in credit :) This is unheard of - I am waiting for a get well card or something from my bank manager. I have filed ALL my paper work and done the laundry - what a good wife I am.

Today I made an attempt at a cooked breakfast for my husband. Doesn't sound much but I never cook and now I know why. Managed to get a little muddled between the ground black pepper and the ground herbs when making scrambled egg. Well it tasted different and i have vowed to stay away from the kitchen unless it is to empty the dishwasher! I guess it is the thought that counts though!

Also had my first ever proper kongai tournament and was soundly beaten by the wonderful Everlovely.

All in all a very productive day - except for that darn marking!
